Kayak tours on offer at Trang An scenic landscape complex

Culture - Sports - Tourism - PublishedTime : 17:52, 20/08/2020

Visitors to Trang An scenic landscape complex in Ninh Binh province can now explore the world cultural and natural heritage site on kayaks instead of traditional boats.

Tourists explore Trang An scenic landscape complex by rowing kayaks

The kayak tours have recently been launched by the Management Board of Trang An Ecotourism Site to diversify and promote local tourism.

The introduction of the tours is also part of the campaign 'Vietnamese People Travel Within Vietnam' launched by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

According to a representative of the management board of Trang An Ecotourism Site, 100 tourists were invited to trial the service and give feedback in June prior to its official operation.

Currently, Trang An Ecotourism Site has 15 kayaks, which will be increased if there is more demand, serving about 20 tourists each tour.

The management board has also arranged staff to instruct visitors on basic rowing skills. Rowers will be equipped with life jackets and accompanied by a rescue team driving motorboats.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, tourists will be required to have their body temperature checked and wash their hands with disinfectant before each trip, in addition to wearing masks.

On the new service, tourists will depart from Trang An wharf, paddling along the water through the picturesque mountain scapes. After passing historical places along the voyage like Vu Lam palace or Thuy Dinh (pavilion on water), the tourists will row back to their starting point. The total length of the round trip is about 3km.

The kayaking services cost from VND250,000-400,000 (US$11-17) each trip depending on single or double boats and departure time.

Most of the tourists who have experienced Trang An Ecotourism Site via kayak said they were satisfied with the service and expressed their wish to return to the site.

“I have been to Trang An Ecotourism Site many times but it is the first time I have tried kayaking there,” said Pham Ngoc Diep, a tourist from Ha Noi.

“I was worried at first because I had no rowing skills. After being enthusiastically guided by the staff, I was so excited to be able to row the kayak myself to explore and get immersed in the surrounding scenery.

“The new service has offered me with not only an exciting experience but also the opportunity to get exercise. I will highly recommend it to my friends when they visit the site,” she said.

According to Pham Duy Phong, director of Ninh Binh Tourism Promotion Information Centre, it is the first time Ninh Binh province has offered a kayak service to tourists.

“This type of service will offer a new experience, being suitable for tourists from 20 to 40 years old. It is also one of the tourism products expected to stimulate demand and increase services to attract more tourists Trang An Ecotourism Site and to Ninh Binh province,” he said.

The Trang An scenic landscape complex has a total of 40 tourism spots of historical, cultural, art and natural vestiges including 20 recognised as national heritages.

In 2014, it was recognised as a mixed cultural and natural heritage by UNESCO thanks to its outstandingly natural and cultural values.
