Huong River Eco-tourism Urban Zone must be attractive to Tourists

News - PublishedTime : 21:30, 19/10/2020

On 16th October, Mr. Nguyen Manh Hien, Member of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council chaired the 167th Conference of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Manh Hien chaired the Conference

At the conference, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee listened to the consultancy firm’s report on the concept of the construction zoning plan, scale 1/2,000 for the Huong River Eco-tourism Urban Zone (Thanh Ha); New Urban Area of An Thuong commune and Ecological Urban Area of Nam Dong ward (Hai Duong city).

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee basically agreed with the guidelines and concepts proposed for the construction planning of Huong River Eco-tourism Urban Zone in terms of scale, functional subdivisions .... The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Manh Hien noted that the consultancy firm should continue their study towards maintaining the flow of the Huong River, ensuring hygiene and not causing environmental pollution. Detailed planning for both sides of the river, specific research on each region, each destination must be conducted to offer various attractive products to tourists. The consultancy firm need to clearly define the highlight of each subdivision; attracting tourists is the main goal but benefits must harmonized. At the same time, the Huong River Eco-tourism Urban Zone must be connected with other relic places of Thanh Ha district and of the whole of Hai Duong province so as to attract tourists to come for sightseeing, staying overnight, and to ensure socio-economic efficiency.

For the Project of New Urban Area of An Thuong commune and Ecological Urban Area of Nam Dong ward, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee basically agreed with the contents proposed by the consultancy firm. It’s noted that when conducting the planning, it’s necessary to have a further vision to match the socio- development goals up to 2030 and 2045. The Province will not approve new industrial development projects for these locations. Industrial projects that have been approved but not yet implemented can be studied for relocation. The construction of two bridges in the project study area should be designed towards an urban bridge, meeting the travel needs and at the same time creating landscape highlights and tourist destinations for Hai Duong city.

For the policy to establish 3 industrial clusters: Tan Phong, Tan Phong - Hung Thai (Ninh Giang) and Toan Thang (Gia Loc), the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee basically agreed. It’s noted that these industrial clusters must attract businesses with great added value, must not pollute the environment, and must have green, clean technology and sustainable development. Particularly, Tan Phong - Hung Thai industrial cluster must be adjusted towards less close to the road surface, expanding to the behind of the road, occupying all the planned industrial land. Gia Loc and Ninh Giang districts should closely coordinate with specialized agencies for well implementing the site clearance work. The provincial People's Committee of the province must select investors in compliance with the regulations of the law.

At the meeting, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee also basically agreed on a detailed planning option for the construction of a new residential quarter in That Hung ward (Kinh Mon); Requests for approval of specific land prices and plans for collecting the difference amount of land use fee when shifting the land use purpose of Plot TM01 under the detailed planning for the construction of Western Phu Luong Bridge Residential Quarter (Hai Duong city); Requests for approval of specific land prices and plans to determine additional financial obligations when adjusting the detailed construction planning for Thai Binh Riverside Ecological Urban Area Project (Ecoriver) in Hai Duong city.