Test of Proficiency in English for Grade 12 Students

News - PublishedTime : 21:55, 25/11/2020

According to the Senior High School Student quality survey plan for 2020-2021 school year made by the provincial Department of Education and Training, it is expected that on 15th December, the senior high schools in the province will conduct a test of proficiency in English for Grade 12 students.

Before 30th November, the schools will finish the list of Grade 12 students taking the test and send it to the Department. From 11th to 14th December, the Department will prepare the exam paper. The paper will consist of 50 questions with knowledge range in the English textbook curriculum for Grade 12 of senior high school, and the time allowed is 60 minutes. The Department requires each school to set up a Survey Council which includes teams to receive and transfer the papers; teams to invigilate and supervise the survey test. Requirements for organizing, collecting and submitting the papers are as specified in the current regulations for the senior high school graduation exam. List of grade 12 students is alphabetical, with not more than 24 students in each exam room...

Surveying the proficiency of senior high school students is an activity maintained every school year in order to accurately grasp the reality of school teaching, basing on that to find solutions to further improve the quality of education; making sure that exams and evaluation are genuine, avoiding false achievements which might reduce students' motivation and interest in learning.