Thanh Hong Pomelo Yield increased by 20 quintals/ha

Business - PublishedTime : 11:20, 17/12/2020

According to Thanh Hong Agricultural Service Cooperative (Thanh Ha), the pomelo yield this year in the commune is about 170 quintals/ha, increasing by 20 quintals/ha over the previous year.

People in Thanh Hong commune harvest Dien pomelos

The reason is that when the trees bloomed and fructified, the weather was favorable, and the fruit quality is thus better. The whole commune grow about 130 ha of rosy-pulped pomelo and 6 ha of Dien and Hoang pomelo.

Currently, people in Thanh Hong commune are harvesting Dien pomelos, the average sales price at the garden is VND 12,000/fruit, decreasing by VND 3,000 compared to mid-November price and VND 7,000 over the same period last year. Each Dien pomelo tree gives 150-200 fruits, benefiting about VND 1.5 million/tree to farmers.

Pomelos grown in Thanh Hong is famous for its deliciousness. This is one of the local specialties.