Third Congress of Vietnam-Korea Friendship Association of Hai Duong province

News - PublishedTime : 13:35, 01/01/2021

On 30th December afternoon, the provincial Vietnam-Korea Friendship Association held the third Congress for the 2020-2025 term.

Comrade Luu Van Ban, Member of the Standing Committee of the provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee presented flowers to congratulate the Congress

Addressing at the congress, Mr. Pham Tien Van, Vice Chairman of the Central Vietnam Friendship Association, highly appreciated the results of the Association's activities. He recommended that in the coming time, the Association would continue to closely follow the relationship between Vietnam and Korea; bring into full play the acheived results and experiences for a new development step, contributing to the socio-economic development of the province.

During the last term, the Vietnam - Korea Friendship Association of the province has promoted propaganda activities, introducing traditional friendship relations, multi-field cooperation between the government, the people of Korea and the government, the people of Vietnam in general, and the people of Hai Duong province in particular. The Association focused on mobilizing its members to participate in many projects, helping Korean garment enterprises in the province; closely connecting with Korean businesses in organizing charity and social activities to help disadvantaged and disabled children.

Mr. Pham Tien Van (left), Vice Chairman of the Central Vietnam-Korea Friendship Association awarded Certificate of Merit to collectives and individuals with outstanding performance in the development of the association in the 2015-2020 period

Next term, the association will continue to admit more members, combine with some member associations of the provincial Union of Friendship Organizations and Korean businesses to call for and raise funds from non-governmental organizations to implement a number of projects ...

On this occasion, the Central Vietnam - Korea Friendship Association awarded Certificate of Merit to 1 collective organization and 1 individual; The provincial People's Committee awarded Certificate of Merit to 1 collective, 4 individuals for excellent achievements in the development of the association in the 2015-2020 period.