New National Assembly Chairman takes the oath of office

News - PublishedTime : 13:49, 31/03/2021

Newly-elected Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue took the oath of office right after he was elected to the post in March 31 morning.

Newly-elected Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue takes the oath of office

Hue, who is Politburo member and Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, was elected as Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) and the National Election Council (NEC) at the 11th sitting of the 14th legislature, winning approval votes of all 473 deputies present at the sitting, or 98.54 percent of the total number of NA deputies.

Addressing the legislature, Hue thanked the NA for electing him as Chairman of the NA and pledged absolute loyalty to the Fatherland, the people and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

He also committed to doing his utmost to fulfil the tasks assigned by the Party, State and people.

“As the Chairman of the National Assembly, I promise to try my best, together with the NA Standing Committee, NA agencies, NA Standing Committee agencies, and NA deputies, to inherit and promote the good tradition and great achievements of the NA in the past tenures, continue reforming methods, enhance the quality and efficiency of the NA’s operations for the supreme target of serving the nation’s interests and for the people’s happiness,” Hue stressed.

As the Chairman of the NEC, Hue pledged that he will work with the council’s members to seriously perform the council’s functions, missions and power as stipulated by law, and successfully organise the elections to elect competent deputies who are able to represent the people’s will, aspirations and right to mastery in the legislative body and the People’s Councils at all levels in the next term.

He also thanked former NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan and other predecessors for their important contributions to the legislature’s operation and the enhancement of the Vietnamese NA’s position on the international arena.