156 citizens returning from US complete quarantine
News - PublishedTime : 09:06, 22/04/2021
Leaders of the provincial Military Command give quarantine completion certificates to the citizens
63 men, 84 women, and nine children were isolated for 14 days, tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 twice, and had stable health, eligible to complete quarantine according to regulations.
Upon arrival at Van Don airport (Quang Ninh) on April 6, the 156 citizens repatriating from the US were received by Regiment 125 and quarantined at its unit. Most of the citizens were from Central and Southern provinces and cities.
Handing papers over to the citizens who have completed quarantine
This was the 12th time Regiment 125 had received and isolated citizens returning from epidemic-hit countries with a total of more than 1,300 people.