Hai Duong leaders elected

News - PublishedTime : 09:32, 30/06/2021

The 17th People's Council of Hai Duong province (2021 – 2026 tenure) solemnly convened its 1st session on June 29 morning at the Xu Dong Culture Center.

A view of the opening session

The election of officials to positions under the jurisdiction of the provincial People's Council was conducted at the session.

Finally, with 100% of ayes, Mr. Pham Xuan Thang, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the 16th provincial People's Council, was reelected as Chairman of the 17th provincial People's Council.

Mr. Pham Xuan Thang, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the 16th provincial People's Council, delivers the opening speech

With 100% of ayes, Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Bich, Member of the provincial Party Committee's Standing Board, Standing Vice Chairwoman of the 16th provincial People's Council, and Mr. Nguyen Khac Toan, Member of the provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the 16th provincial People's Council, were reelected as Vice Chairwoman and Vice Chairman of the 17th provincial People's Council.

The provincial People's Council elected Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Trieu The Hung as Chairman of the 17th provincial People's Committee (2021 – 2026 tenure) with 100% of ayes.

Members of the provincial People's Council cast their votes to elect chairman of the 17th provincial People's Council

Vice Chairmen of the 16th provincial People's Committee (2016 – 2021 tenure) Luu Van Ban, Member of the provincial Party Committee's Standing Board, Nguyen Minh Hung, Member of the provincial Party Committee, and Tran Van Quan, Member of the provincial Party Committee, were reelected as Vice Chairmen of the 17th provincial People's Committee with 100% of ayes.

19 heads, directors, and deputy directors of departments and branches were elected as members of the 17th provincial People's Committee with very high numbers of ayes.

During a sitting on June 29 afternoon, the provincial People's Council considered and approved important reports and proposals.

Mr. Pham Xuan Thang, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the 17th provincial People's Council, receives congratulatory flowers from Standing Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Le Van Hieu and Chairman of the 16th provincial People's Committee Nguyen Duong Thai

Mr. Luu Van Ban, Member of the provincial Party Committee's Standing Board, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, read a report on the implementation of socio-economic development tasks and plans in the first half and some key tasks for the second half of 2021.

According to the report, Hai Duong realized the socio-economic development plans in the first six months of the year under severe impacts of two very complicated Covid-19 waves; however, with efforts to accomplish its "duo goal", the province achieved many positive and important results in economy and society. The gross regional domestic product (GRDP) was estimated to increase by 3.9% compared to the first half of 2020.

Mr. Pham Xuan Thang, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the 17th provincial People's Council, and Mr. Nguyen Duong Thai, Chairman of the 16th provincial People's Committee, Head of the provincial Delegation of National Assembly Deputies, present congratulatory flowers to Mr. Trieu The Hung, Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the 17th provincial People's Committee

In the second half of the year, the provincial People's Committee determined that it was necessary to strictly comply with regulations on Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control, ensure disease safety, and prevent the epidemic from resurfacing; gather resources to fully implement the tasks and solutions set forth in the socio-economic development plan and State budget estimate for 2021, striving to fulfill and overfulfill the set objectives and tasks; and endeavor for the GRDP to rise by 11.86% over the same period last year.
