Nearly 300,000 employees entitled to lower payment of insurance for occupational accidents, diseases

News - PublishedTime : 12:02, 12/07/2021

299,697 employees of 5,703 units in the province are entitled to an estimated reduction of nearly VND92.8 billion in payment of insurance for occupational accidents and diseases.

Many employees and employers will be supported following the Government's resolution

The Hai Duong provincial Social Insurance Agency is implementing support policies for employees and employers following the Government's Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP dated July 1, 2021 and the Prime Minister's Decision No. 23/2021/QD-TTg dated July 7, 2021.

Accordingly, the provincial Social Insurance Agency and the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs have jointly counted 299,697 employees of 5,703 units in the province entitled to an estimated reduction of nearly VND92.8 billion in payment of insurance for occupational accidents and diseases.

276,705 employees of 4,661 units having paid unemployment insurance for 12 months are eligible to be considered for enjoyment of assistance in training, retraining, and improvement of vocational skills to maintain jobs from the unemployment insurance fund.

Units meeting prescribed conditions are entitled to a halt of payment to pension and survivorship funds.

Resolution No. 68 and Decision No. 23 regulate three policies directly related to social insurance, consisting of lower payment of insurance for occupational accidents and diseases, halt of payment to pension and survivorship funds, and assistance in training to maintain employees' jobs from the unemployment insurance fund.

The provincial Social Insurance Agency has posted all contents of the documents, forms, and instructions on how to fill in the forms on its website (