Over 1,200 businesses, organizations, individuals entitled to tax extension

Business - PublishedTime : 10:01, 10/08/2021

The total tax extended this time amounts to nearly VND370.7 billion, mainly value added tax (close to VND312.7 billion) and land rent (VND55.8 billion).

To realize the Government's Decree 52/2021/ND-CP, 1,204 enterprises, organizations, business individuals, and households in Hai Duong province are entitled to tax extension, consisting of 673 small-sized enterprises, 136 micro-sized enterprises, 360 enterprises and organizations operating in various industries and fields, and 35 business households and individuals.

The total tax extended this time amounts to nearly VND370.7 billion, mainly value added tax (close to VND312.7 billion) and land rent (VND55.8 billion).

Tax extension helps taxpayers overcome difficulties caused by the pandemic and contributes to stabilizing production and business and maintaining employees’ jobs.