Kinh Mon forest honey sells well

Business - PublishedTime : 10:51, 26/04/2022

According to Kinh Mon Forest Beekeeping Cooperative, its members cannot produce enough honey to meet the current market demand.

Honey of Kinh Mon Forest Beekeeping Cooperative is produced according to VietGAP standard

Each liter of honey is priced at 200,000 – 250,000 VND, up 10 – 15% year on year.

The cooperative annually provides more than 20,000 liters of honey for the market on average.

Beekeepers also have income from selling some other products like beeswax and breeding bees.

The cooperative's honey is produced according to VietGAP standard with a closed process in the direction of organic biosafety (keeping bees to produce honey completely from flowers by the forest on An Phu mountain).

Especially, the cooperative uses a machine to remove unnecessary water in honey and eliminates dirt, yeast, and fungi, thereby making honey denser and ensuring food safety and hygiene and longer preservation time.

Hai Duong News