Giving the best to children

News - PublishedTime : 09:39, 25/05/2022

Authorities and organizations should continue propaganda and instruction of people and children on necessary skills to protect children from accidents, injuries, violence, and abuse.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Nguyen Minh Hung launches the 2022 Action Month for Children

That was what Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Hai Duong province Nguyen Minh Hung called on authorities at all levels and socio-political organizations to do at the launching ceremony of the 2022 Action Month for Children held by the provincial People's Committee on May 24 morning in Hai Duong city.

The Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee suggested that relevant authorities intensify propaganda and mobilization of people to implement the Party's guidelines and the State's policies and laws on child protection, care, and education; raise people's awareness about their responsibility to protect children and promptly denounce acts of abuse and violence against children; and organize many seminars and forums to listen to and understand children better.

The organizers present 20 bikes to disadvantaged pupils in Hai Duong city

Authorities and organizations should continue propaganda and instruction of people and children on necessary skills to protect children from accidents, injuries, violence, and abuse and strictly handle those committing abuse and violence against children, violating children's rights, and failing to fulfill their responsibility to protect children.

Commune authorities should review and firmly grasp data on children in general and children in difficult circumstances in particular for appropriate care and support.

Taking place from June 1 – 30, this year's Action Month for Children is themed "To together protect children, let's raise our voice to prevent child abuse and violence" with many messages, including "Children must be safe in their homes," "The law strictly punishes all acts of abuse and violence against children," "Call 111 to report and denounce all acts of abuse and violence against children"...

A representative of some businesses offers gifts to pupils in difficult circumstances

On this occasion, the National Fund For Vietnamese Children presented 20 bikes, the organizers and businesses offered 95 gifts (500,000 VND and a gift each) to pupils overcoming difficulties to learn well in Hai Duong city.

There are 470,526 children in the province, accounting for 24.8% of the provincial population, including 13,957 children in special and difficult circumstances.