Vacuums, loopholes must be filled in to prevent corruption: Party leader

News - PublishedTime : 17:16, 30/06/2022

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on June 30 stressed the task of addressing shortcomings and filling in “vaccums” and “loopholes” so as to prevent corruption and negative phenomena.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong addresses the national conference held in Ha Noi on June 30. Photo: VNA

Speaking at a national conference held in Ha Noi to review the 10-year combat against corruption and negative phenomena, the Party leader also said fighting corruption is a critically important but also extremely difficult and complicated task that requires resolute, persistent, continuous, and unceasing efforts from all levels and in all sectors and areas.

He emphasised that in the combat, it is a must to steer clear of subjectivity and hastiness but adamantly deal with corruption, patiently conduct education, management and deterrence to prevent corruption, while staying vigilant and fighting against hostile forces’ plots that take advantage of the corruption fight to sabotage the country’s Party, State and regime.

The General Secretary, who is also head of the central steering committee for corruption and negative phenomena prevention and control, underlined the necessity to strongly combine prevention with the proactive detection and timely and stringent settlement of acts of corruption, noting that to boost prevention, it is important to perfect regulations and policies on socio-economic affairs, increase socialist legality, and step up the building of an incorruptible and comprehensively strong Party and political system.

An overview of the conference. Photo: VNA

The fight against corruption and negative phenomena must be connected with thrift practice and wastefulness prevention, the Party building and rectification, the studying and following of late President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, moral example, and style, along with the combat against degradation in political thought, morality, and lifestyle, as well as against “self-evolution” and “self-transformation”.

He stressed the need to strongly bring into play the role of the people-elected agencies, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organisations, the masses, media agencies, businesses, and entrepreneurs in the combat.

Anti-corruption measures must suit the context of developing a socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam and the country’s traditional culture, according to him.

Among the tasks for the time ahead, General Secretary Trong requested education, communications, and thrift practice be enhanced among  cadres, Party members, and people; institutional building boosted; examination, supervision, inspection, auditing, investigation, hearing, and verdict enforcement stepped up; asset recovery improved; and the capacity of anti-corruption agencies further promoted.

He expressed his belief that the combat will record new and greater strides and gain higher effectiveness, helping build an incorruptible and strong Party and State, living up to the people’s trust and expectations.