Hoa Phat Hai Duong Steel JSC makes second highest budget payment in group

Business - PublishedTime : 08:57, 20/07/2022

According to Hoa Phat Group's data, in the first half of 2022, the group paid nearly 7,400 billion VND to the State budget, up 42% year on year.

Hoa Phat Hai Duong Steel JSC. alone paid close to 1,600 billion VND, being the member company with the second highest budget contribution in the group, a surge of 48% compared to the same period in 2021.

In the first half of 2022, Hoa Phat Hai Duong Steel JSC. sold 1.1 million tons of construction and rough steel out of 1.14 million tons produced.

In 2021, the company paid more than 3,000 billion VND to the State budget. In which, nearly 1,760 billion VND was paid in the province, a sharp increase of 53% over 2020, making it the largest tax contributor in the province.

The firm's payment made up 13.3% of the total regular revenue of the province and 44% of revenue from non-State enterprises.