Domestic budget revenue makes up 83% of year's estimate

Business - PublishedTime : 09:39, 09/08/2022

Some sources of revenue made great contributions to the State budget, such as the foreign-invested business sector with more than 2,310 billion VND.

According to the provincial Taxation Department's data, last July, domestic budget revenue in the province managed by the tax sector exceeded 1,114 billion VND, bringing the total domestic revenue in the first seven months of 2022 to nearly 10,170 billion VND, up 10% year on year and equivalent to 83% of the mandatory estimate assigned for the whole year.

After deduction of land use fees, lottery, profits, and dividends, the provincial tax sector's revenue neared 6,900 billion VND, an increase of 7% over the same period and equivalent to 76% of the year's estimate.

Some sources of revenue made great contributions to the State budget, such as the foreign-invested business sector with more than 2,310 billion VND, the non-State sector with close to 1,898 billion VND, personal income taxes with nearly 735 billion VND, environmental protection taxes with nearly 589 billion VND, registration fees with close to 384 billion VND, the Central State-owned business sector with nearly 305 billion VND, and non-budget sources with more than 266 billion VND.