Winter crop fields in Dinh Son commune revive

Business - PublishedTime : 10:42, 29/11/2022

Fields of young and fresh vegetables covered with an enthusiastic working atmosphere instead of bare plots were rare images in Dinh Son commune, Cam Giang district, years ago.

South Korean mustard greens are purchased for 4,000 VND/kg, helping farmers make a profit of 3 – 4 million VND/sao

The winter vegetable fields have revived for only two years thanks to the effectiveness of an association model for export vegetable cultivation.

In the past, farmers in Dinh Son commune only cultivated two rice crops and left fields bare and deserted in the remaining time of the year. When knowing that Hanoi Green Food Co., Ltd. in Cao An commune had an association need for vegetable cultivation and export, the Agricultural Service Cooperative of Dinh Son commune quickly seized the opportunity. This is the second time the cooperative has contracted with the company to grow vegetables for export to South Korea.

Nguyen Van Cuoi in An Diem B hamlet, one of those involved in the association model, excitedly said: “Last crop, I planted 2 mau (3,600 m²) of mustard greens and spinach. After that, I found spinach unsuitable for growing conditions here, while mustard greens grew well. Therefore, this year, I have expanded the growing area of mustard greens to 5 mau.”

“Thanks to growing experience, this crop’s productivity will definitely reach 1.2 – 1.3 tons/sao (360 m²), an increase of 1 – 2 quintals/sao compared to the previous year.

“With a purchase price of 4,000 VND/kg, farmers will make a profit of 3 – 4 million VND/sao.”

This crop, Nguyen Van Bang in Do Trung hamlet planted 10 mau of mustard greens and 2 mau of a uc (a kind of South Korean mustard greens). A uc has been harvested twice with an output of 2 quintals/sao and a selling price of 8,000 VND/kg, helping Bang make a profit of about 1 million VND/sao.

“In the growing process, the company often sends people to provide technical support and assess the quality of vegetables. With an underwriting contract, I don’t have to worry about prices and consumption to keep my mind on production,” said Bang.

This winter crop, Dinh Son commune has 20 ha of export vegetables with the participation of 10 households, up 5 ha over the previous winter crop.

The association model for export vegetable cultivation helps create jobs for people and utilize land for winter crop development

Hanoi Green Food Co., Ltd. funds all tilling and seedling costs. As contracted, if the company does not buy vegetables in the associated area, it will compensate farmers with 4 million VND/sao.

On the contrary, if farmers do not sell vegetables to the contracted enterprise, they will have to pay a compensation of 10 million VND/sao.

Purchase prices were agreed to right at the beginning of the crop at 8,000 VND/kg of a uc and 4,000 VND/kg of South Korean mustard greens. A uc is often harvested 3 – 4 times/year with a yield of about 8 quintals/sao, and mustard greens 1.2 – 1.3 tons/sao. With these prices, the households participating in the association model will make a profit of 3 – 4 million VND/sao.

Bui Quang Phuong, Director of the Agricultural Service Cooperative of Dinh Son commune, said: “In the past, many agricultural areas in the commune often lacked water for irrigation, making production difficult.

“Since Cam Dong – Phi Xa canal was renovated, irrigation water has been stably supplied. As a result, farmers have conditions for production, and the area of winter vegetables has also gradually increased.

“Apart from 20 ha of winter vegetables, Hanoi Green Food Co., Ltd. has associated to buy 5 ha of spring corns in the commune.”

The association model has shown the sustainable efficiency of a production chain. In addition to raising farmers’ income, the model has stimulated the movement of growing winter crops and utilizing land for agricultural development.

It is expected that in the next crop, the company will expand association with farmers in Dinh Son commune for sweet corns and squashes besides vegetables.