Agriculture creates breakthrough in green growth

Business - PublishedTime : 07:03, 03/01/2023

Hai Duong is targeting a sustainable and environmentally friendly green agriculture. This is considered a major change of Hai Duong’s agriculture in recent years.

The expansion of green and clean agricultural production models has helped raise consumers’ trust. Photo: Tran Hien

A large low-lying tidal area along the Thai Binh river has provided the main source of income for many households in An Thanh commune, Tu Ky district, for a long time.

From the protection of natural conditions to exploit ruoi (ragworm) and fiddlers, to date, the 137 ha ruoi area has been certified to have products meeting the National Organic Agriculture Standard.

The organic farming area shows multi-layered and multi-valued exploitation efficiency. There are ruoi underground, fiddlers on field edges, organic rice in fields, and vegetables and fruit trees on banks.

The production value is estimated at 500 - 700 million VND/ ha, higher than agricultural production areas in other localities.

Nguyen Van Tuan, Director of New Generation Agriculture JSC. in Thanh Ky hamlet, An Thanh commune, the "father" of the brand "Bai Ruoi organic rice”, said: “Ruoi is a creature particularly sensitive to chemicals and can only live in clean soil and water.”

“Rice and ruoi live in a symbiotic environment as rice provides a suitable environment for ruoi to grow and on the contrary, ruoi ensures a source of nutrients for rice. All create a pure and sustainable ecosystem.”

With more than 30 years of working in animal husbandry, Dao Huu Thuan in Vinh Lai hamlet, Cam Dong commune, Cam Giang district, also realized that "green agriculture - clean consumption" is a sustainable development trend and shifted from traditional to VietGAP-oriented animal husbandry.

To date, Thuan has built a 6,000 m2 farm to raise 70,000 chickens. Thanks to changes in breeding methods, age-based nutrition, and reasonable vitamin and mineral supplementation, the quality of eggs has significantly improved. The chickens are rarely sick, and raising costs are much lower than before.

With more than 50,000 egg-laying hens, Thuan collects about 40,000 eggs every day. The products have high quality, and thus being purchased by businesses in and outside the province at stable prices.

In 2020, Cam Dong chicken eggs were granted a 3-star OCOP certificate.

Hai Duong province has many advantages for agricultural development. The provincial agriculture is developing in the direction of centralized goods with the application of high technology and organic agriculture to enhance added value and develop sustainably, linking green growth with digital transformation.

There are 15,500 ha of vegetables grown under GAP processes, more than 5,000 ha of vegetables planted according to export standards, 1,500 ha of vegetables, tubers, and fruits granted VietGAP certificates, and over 421 ha of organic production, mainly rice growing in natural ruoi and fiddler exploitation areas, in the province.

Especially, in recent years, Hai Duong has affirmed the brands and positions of a number of agricultural products in international markets such as Thanh Ha lychee and carrot.