Overcoming difficulties in export

Business - PublishedTime : 14:07, 05/01/2023

Hai Duong’s export value in 2022 reached 10,514 million USD, up 6.6% over 2021. This is quite an impressive figure in an unstable year of foreign markets.

In the face of potential challenges in 2023, businesses need to take full advantage of incentives from free trade agreements

Always one of businesses taking the lead in export turnover in the province, Brother Industries (Vietnam) Ltd. in Phuc Dien industrial park, Cam Giang district, ended 2022 with an impressive export result.

According to data of the Hai Duong Customs Sub-department, in the past year, the enterprise made nearly 17,000 export declarations with an export turnover of more than 960 million USD, up close to 7,000 declarations and over 260 million USD in export turnover compared to 2021.

More than two years of Covid-19 outbreaks significantly affected socio-economic development of the world in general and Vietnam in particular. Producers, including Brother Industries (Vietnam) Ltd., were also heavily influenced.

To maintain its growth momentum, the business took a lot of measures to ensure the supply of labor as well as input materials.

“We increased welfare regimes for employees like salary and bonuses and sought more partners and suppliers of domestic materials. In addition, our production capacity was improved thanks to packages of investment in production line automation,” said Mori Shigeki, director of the company.

These days, in the workshop of Formostar Garment (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. in Hai Duong city, nearly 1,000 employees are busy working to ensure the progress of both old and new orders.

The enterprise specializes in producing garments for export, with two fastidious markets of the US and Canada accounting for 70% of its export market share.

The company often improves machinery, equipment, and product quality to meet partners’ requirements, thereby obtaining an export turnover of nearly 9 million USD in 2022, a surge of 33% year on year.

The two enterprises and thousands of other exporters contributed to helping the province’s garments and textiles record an export turnover of more than 2,700 million USD in 2022; electronic components and office machines, nearly 1,800 million USD, up close to 16% and nearly 20% compared to 2021, respectively.

According to the Statistics Office, by the end of 2022, Hai Duong's export turnover was estimated at 10,514 million USD, an increase of 6.6% over 2021. In which, the South Korean market accounted for 45% of the export turnover; the ASEAN market, more than 20%; the Chinese market, about 17%; and Japan, Australia, New Zealand, India, Russia, the European Union, etc., the rest.

Garments, textiles, electronic components, and office machines still topped the list of main exports of the province.

Reportedly, most businesses agree that thanks to quick direction and improvisation and drastic participation of the Vietnamese Government in general and Hai Duong provincial authorities in particular, flexible and effective regulations to promote epidemic prevention and control were consecutively issued.

In addition, there were new strides in operations related to export and the granting of certificates of origin (C/O), contributing to improving the overall efficiency of import and export activities in the province.

In 2022, the Department of Industry and Trade issued 16,925 sets of C/Os to businesses with a total value of about 1.7 billion USD, a rise of nearly 450 million USD compared to 2021.

Both reception of dossiers and processing of procedures for businesses applying for C/Os were properly and quickly done.