About 100 enterprises build standard wastewater treatment stations

News - PublishedTime : 06:58, 04/03/2023

There are centralized wastewater treatment stations with a total capacity of 26,170 m3/ day at 11 active industrial parks (IP) in Hai Duong province, according to the provincial IPs Authority.

Enterprises in industrial parks generate about 8,125 m3 of wastewater/ day

Almost all businesses in the IPs transfer their wastewater to centralized wastewater collection systems.

Only about 100 enterprises have built their own wastewater treatment stations that meet requirements.

The limited liability companies of Best Pacific Vietnam, Regent Garment Factory, and Pacific Crystal Textiles alone are allowed to discharge wastewater directly into receiving basins without transfer to centralized wastewater treatment systems of the IPs.

These businesses have wastewater treatment stations that meet national technical regulations on industrial wastewater at level A before discharge.

They have installed automatic and continuous observation systems to monitor and evaluate the quality of wastewater before discharge into the environment.

Enterprises in the IPs generate about 8,125 m3 of wastewater/ day, equivalent to 31% of the total capacity of the wastewater treatment plants.