Bach Dang pedestrian zone impetus for Hai Duong’s night economy

Business - PublishedTime : 06:51, 12/04/2023

Hai Duong city is building Bach Dang pedestrian and night market zone to create cultural space, stimulate consumption and shopping, and promote the night economy.

Perspective of Bach Dang pedestrian and night market zone. Photo courtesy of the Hai Duong city People's Committee

Hai Duong city was once likened to a "passing city" for failing to retain tourists with imprints despite its favorable location.

The city’s large population with high living standards and great demand for enjoyment often has fun in neighboring localities for lack of attractive destinations in their hometown.

This waste of resources requires Hai Duong city to solve the economic problem with the Bach Dang pedestrian and night market zone, which is expected to open on the evening of April 28.

Nguyen Van Thang in Tran Hung Dao street, Ngoc Chau ward, said Hai Duong city does not have any entertainment place satisfying people’s needs though becoming a 1st-grade urban area a long time ago.

There also remain many limitations in night trade activities in the city.

Thang’s family themselves often organize short trips to Ha Noi and Hai Phong on weekends to relax and take a rest.

“I learnt that Hai Duong city is about to have a pedestrian and night market zone through social networking sites,” said Thang.

“I’m very excited and have high hopes on this event. It is pity for local citizens to have fun and spend money elsewhere.”

Nguyen Thi Hai Yen in Hai Tan ward is very motivated to be one of those selected to sell refreshers in the pedestrian and night market zone.

The weekly zone is an opportunity for her to capture and expand business.

“There must be an entertainment place for accompanying services to develop. The pedestrian and night market zone meets the expectations of small-scale businesspeople like me,” said Yen.

Hai Duong city authorities organize a training course on commercial civilization for establishments selected to do business in the Bach Dang pedestrian and night market zone. Photo: Dang Dung

Hai Duong city plans to arrange 50 mobile booths in four sections of the pedestrian and night market zone first and turn Nguyen Hai Thanh street into a food one later.

There will also be experience services suitable to each age group in the zone.

The city authorities have carefully selected goods to meet the consumption needs of tourists and citizens and popularize special products, prioritizing OCOP ones, regional specialties, and food and beverage items characterizing street food.

Business owners engaged in selling goods were also trained in commercial civilization.

Hai Duong city is striving to build a multi-value pedestrian and night market zone, said Standing Vice Chairman of the city People's Committee Nguyen Huu Phuc.

Values will resonate with each other to form a civilized pedestrian and night market zone, in which economic efficiency will be fully exploited.

Some neighboring households have so far changed their business to catch up with the opening of the zone.

The pedestrian and night market zone is a zero-budget project, with all funds socialized.

When a nearby trade center of T&T Group, the main sponsor of the project, comes into operation, there will be one more large shopping venue for locals and visitors.

Hai Duong News