Culture - Sports - Tourism

Hai Duong sports receive nearly 1.9 billion VND in sponsorship

TIEN HUY 24/01/2024 06:56

Sponsors have for years accompanied Hai Duong sports by supplementing equipment and encouraging coaches and athletes.

U13 HADUWACO Hai Duong team (red shirt) have been accompanied by Hai Duong Water JSC. for many years

Hai Duong sports were funded nearly 1.9 billion VND in 2023 by businesses that have accompanied and supported the provincial sports for many years.

Hai Duong Water JSC. takes the lead with a sponsorship deal worth 750 million VND/ year for U13 HADUWACO football, table tennis, and tennis teams.

Besides, Long Hai Co., Ltd. sponsors the table tennis team with 500 million VND/ year under a 5-year contract, and Babeeni Hai Duong Company funds Pencak Silat and Muay teams with expenditure and tools worth a total of 270 million VND.

The Viettel Football Training Center supports the Hai Duong Sports Training and Competition Center with 270 million VND/ year for youth football training.

Gia Bao Mung Bean Cake Co., Ltd. assists the U11 Gia Bao Hai Duong football team with 100 million VND/ year.

The sponsors also have many bonuses for outstanding coaches and athletes every year as well as on-the-spot bonuses for coaches and athletes making unexpected achievements.

These funds contributed to helping Hai Duong athletes win 131 gold, 125 silver, and 148 bronze medals and break or set seven national records and three SEA Games ones in 2023.


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Hai Duong sports receive nearly 1.9 billion VND in sponsorship