Digitization in Electricity Industry

03/11/2020 15:37

Hai Duong Electricity Single Member Company Limited has accelerated the application of information technology, contributing to the improvement of work efficiency.

Staff members of the Business Department (Hai Duong City Power) check the telemeter system

The application of information technology in business activities, customer care services, electricity power supply ... has brought practical benefits to the electricity industry and customers, helping to reduce errors, save time and improve work efficiency.The "3 no" TargetWith the target of no paper, no transaction office and no cash, during the past time, Hai Duong Electricity Single Member Company Limited (PC Hai Duong) has promoted the application of information technology in various fields. In the past, customers who wished to register for electricity supply services or wished to give recommendations or feedback on the services used to have to go to the transaction points of the electricity industry. At present, if there is any request during the use of the service, customers can call the hotline of the Company. Customer calls are received by the operator and transferred to the functional  department for settlement. Dedicated software will save phone calls and customer feedback and display processing time limit. If exceeding the time limit, the employee in charge will be reminded.As for the application for power supply, besides going to the transaction points, customers can call customer care services, access to the Website of PC Hai Duong or the Online Portal of the Provincial People's Committee (Online Electricity Service column). When the customer completes the form with full information, the system will automatically transfer the information to the power branch where the customer resides and the staff will proactively contact the customer for the next steps.
In the past, there used to be a written power purchase contract between the electricity industry and customers, but nowadays, the electricity industry is gradually turning to electronic contracts to facilitate the information retrieval and storage. Customers will be given a code number to access the contract. PC Hai Duong is also replacing normal counters with remote meters, promoting non-cash payments to customers ...
Practical Benefit
In previous years, to pay power bills, Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong of Nguyen Chi Thanh street (Hai Duong city) had to go to the payment point every month. Several times when she went away for business or forgot the assigned date to pay electricity bill, then she had to go to the transaction office of PC Hai Duong City for payment. For 2 years now, she has been using the power bill payment service via the bank. Ms. Huong said: "Upon the date of bill payment, the company sends a text message notifying the household’s consumption and the amount to be paid. After several days, the bank also sends a SMS informing the payment by deducting from the account. Since using this service, I no longer waste time paying electricity bills and worry if I forget the payment date as before ".
As one of the areas to have telemetry systems early installed, PC Hai Duong City has installed 6,310 three-phase telemetry meters and 37,451 one-phase telemetry meters. The installation of remote meters to read electricity index has brought practical effects to the electricity industry. According to Mr. Nguyen Duc Huy, Director of PC Hai Duong City: "Electronic meters are of high accuracy, easy to detect problems and especially workers are free from reading and writing meter readings, so manpower is reduced and accuracy is increased". 

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Digitization in Electricity Industry